Sunday, October 24, 2010

Witches' Night Out

Lisa took me to witches night out at Gardener's Village. It was already dark when we got there so many of the pictures I took were either too dark or blurry due to the need for long shutter speeds. With the first three, I found something I could use to steady the camera to overcome the blurriness. In the last one, I used the flash. Photography makes outings like this quite enjoyable.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First Solid Food

Here are some pictures of Orrin's first attempt at "solid" food. (Solid meaning HEAVILY diluted rice cereal.)

Poised and ready for action.


Negative Houston we do not have a go. I repeat no go.

That is insulting. Keep that garbage away from me.

Why are these people doing this to me?

Can we be done yet?
As you can see the rice cereal was not a hit. Sorry I haven't posted for so long. Hopefully I'll get back with it.