Saturday, November 6, 2010

UNLV game

I took my camera to the game on Saturday. Here are some of the good shots.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Witches' Night Out

Lisa took me to witches night out at Gardener's Village. It was already dark when we got there so many of the pictures I took were either too dark or blurry due to the need for long shutter speeds. With the first three, I found something I could use to steady the camera to overcome the blurriness. In the last one, I used the flash. Photography makes outings like this quite enjoyable.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First Solid Food

Here are some pictures of Orrin's first attempt at "solid" food. (Solid meaning HEAVILY diluted rice cereal.)

Poised and ready for action.


Negative Houston we do not have a go. I repeat no go.

That is insulting. Keep that garbage away from me.

Why are these people doing this to me?

Can we be done yet?
As you can see the rice cereal was not a hit. Sorry I haven't posted for so long. Hopefully I'll get back with it.

Friday, April 2, 2010

2 April 2010 Here is the most recent of the crib. All the slats are in and fitted together. I have still only glued the gate that Lisa is holding up. There are still some things to add such as the mattress support, hinges and the latching mechanism, but I'm further along now than I was yesterday.

Monday, March 29, 2010

25 March 2010 This is the latest picture of the crib. Since this was taken, I've put slats in the area just bellow the gate, but I haven't taken a picture of it yet. More will be forth coming. I need to finish soon, for the past couple of nights, I've dreampt that I made some major mistake on the crib which forces me to redo hours of work. So far it hasn't happened, but the dreams are scary.

27 March 2010 This is a picture of what came in our basket from Bountiful Baskets. I'm not sure my arrangement is particulartly artistic. I had to wake up and be there by 7 to pick it up on Saturday morning, not cool.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Here's a panorama I made out of three pictures in photoshop. It was surprisingly easy to do. It only took me about 5 minutes in photoshop and most of that time was the computer thinking about it.

27 Feb. 2010 IDAHO STATE WRESTLING We had fun. I took a lot of pictures. Here are some of my favorites.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

23 Feb. 2010 In my soils lab, they were classifying soil using field techniques. One of the students got their hands quite dirty. 1/100sec f/5.6 34mm ISO 800

22 Feb. 2010 I've always wanted to take some pictures of the lights from off the south end of campus, but I'd never done it. I went with Lisa to the photography show at the Bean museum and afterwards we walked down to this spot south east of the Benson Building. The Pod Kera gave me made this a lot easier. 3sec f/5.6 31mm ISO 800

20 Feb. 2010 Lisa took me to her sister Amy's dance recital. Unfortunately, the best picture of the night wasn't even of her. The bottom of these two pictures shows Amy. She's the third from the left. I don't have all of the camera settings for this one, but the ISO was as high as I could get it without lots of noise.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Past Pictures I've Taken

Here's one from the lodge at Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park. I really like the way the color of the flag contrasts with the dark wood of the building. Lisa always wonders about me and this picture, but I like it.

Lisa and I saw these flowers on the way up to Table Rock.

Here is a landscape I took from the top of Table Rock. Lisa wasn't too happy that we had to hike all the way to the top, but I think the view is worth it.

This isn't a particularly fine example of photography, but it's Lisa holding one of the biggest salmon of the day. That has to go in right.

This was taken on BYU campus during the fall. I think this is a bush just east of the MARB.

I took this while I was out measuring monitoring wells at my work in Driggs over the summer.